Once a week, we try to select a document, image, or artifact that offers an interesting glimpse into the history of Grinnell College. Sometimes these forays into the archives shed light on important moments or developments that shaped the trajectory of the college; other times, these archival finds open a window onto smaller, forgotten stories about life at the college over the past century and a half. During the academic year, we post these items weekly on our “archive alcove” bulletin board, located on the third floor of the north tower of the HSSC (home to the departments of Art History, English, GWSS, and History). If you’re on campus, we encourage you to visit the board in person, and then hang out in the Class of 1998 commons room that is located across the hallway. But we’re pleased to have a website that allows our bulletin board to transcend the limits of space and time…

So we hope you enjoy the site, and feel free to leave comments and suggestions along the way.